Deleting Attempts and Unlocking Exams

When an employee has reached the maximum number of allowed attempts in an exam without succeeding, the admin can move on to deleting the attempts, unlocking new exam attempts for the user, or marking the exam as complete.

In order to do so, the admin needs to navigate to the Employees Dashboard by clicking on the top menu Admin and then Reporting. In the panel that opens find the employee in question and search for the exam under the exam tab.


How to delete an attempt

Once you find the desired exam, click on the Details on the right side to see the user's exam attempts. Under this window you will be able to:

  • Create an attempt ( just click on the Add attempt by admin option)
  • Edit an attempt
  • Delete an attempt

By deleting an attempt you are allowing an employee to retake the exam that has an exam attempts limit.


To learn how to edit an attempt read more here: Can An Admin Edit The Score Of An Exam?

How to unlock more attemptsInform customers that "Grant more attempts" wrench icon for an exam is visible when other than “Unlimited times” and “1 time” option is chosen at “Students can take the exam” dropdown .

Once you find the desired exam, click on the wrench icon next to the exam's name to unlock more attempts for the user in question. Once you click the icon, a new window will appear where you are able to select and unlock up to 10 more attempts for this user. By unlocking more attempts, the user will be able to retake the exam that has an exam attempts limit. Don't forget to click Save when finished!

Note: This option only shows up when there is a set number of attempts chosen under the "Students can take the exam" dropdown in the exam settings. If Unlimited Times or One Time are chosen, this will not be available. 




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