Group Courses

As an admin or a training manager, you have the option to divide the courses within curricula into groups. This feature is only available to curricula and it mainly refers to training managers. With this feature, they have the option to see the stats on the Employees Dashboard but only for the courses that are part of the group they choose. 

As you already know you can divide the courses within a curriculum into sections. However, groups are not visible to students whereas sections are.

To add a group you have to select the "Group Courses" option from the curriculum panel and choose the "Create Group" 


Upon doing that, you will be prompted to give a name to your group and choose the courses you want to add to it. You can do this by pressing the add button next to each course, in the list that appears on the right side.




Once you create your groups you can find them on the curriculum page by clicking the "Manage Groups" button from the curriculum panel that was shown before.



In case you are the manager and you are interested in checking the stats of your grouped courses. You will have to navigate to the employees dashboard and locate the curriculum that contains the groups. Once you get there you will notice a drop-down list that allows you to switch between groups. By choosing Group 1 for example you will able to view the stats only for the courses that are under group 1. Please follow the screenshot below for further reference.







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