Setting Up Your Academy's Organizational Structure

Setting up your organizational structure in your academy allows you to more easily and reliably assign training and permissions to, as well as communicate with, specific individuals. To learn more about organizational structures in your academy, visit this article before proceeding. The article below covers setting up the organizational structure in your academy.


To start setting up your organizational structure, click Admin in the top navigation bar. Then, on the left, click Members. Then finally, Set up Organization.


Adding Above Units

Above Units represent areas, organizations, or people that are connected to the units. To start adding Above Units, select the Above Units tab.

There you will see two sub-tabs - Type of Above Units and Above Units.

Type of Above Units

Before adding any actual Above Units, you must first define the types of Above Units in your company. An example of a Type might be a State or a Country. After a Type has been defined, you can start adding Above Units that fall under these Types - California for a State or Canada for a Country, for example.

Above Unit Jobs

Once an Above Unit Type has been created, two non-editable jobs will automatically be created and associated with the Above Unit - a Head of and Assistant Head of (for example, Head of City and Assistant Head of City). These jobs are created automatically; you cannot delete them, but you can define the permissions that they have. For more information on how to define the permissions per job please read How to define the permissions per job?

For each Above Unit Type, you have the option to define any Decentralized permissions you want to give. Learn more on decentralized permissions here: How Can I Give Decentralized Category Permissions?
To make it easier and faster for your managers to see relevant results, for each Above Unit Type you also have the option to define the default view of the "Choose Unit" filter dropdown.
Only staff at above unit tells the system that (Assistant) Heads of should by default view users directly connected with that Above Unit. In our example above, a Head of City would initially only see those directly connected with New York City directly.
Only staff at units will show by default users that are indirectly connected to that Above Unit. An example might be that a Head of State for California would also see Units such as offices in the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco.

Above Units

Under the the Above Unit tab, you can add new Above Units for your Academy and associate them with parent/child organizational relationships.
To add a new Above Unit, select the desired Above Unit Type, add the Above Unit name into the space provided, and click Add. Your Above Unit will be immediately added.

After you have created your Above Units you can set up parent relationships between them. To do so, open the drop-down next to an Above Unit and select which Above Unit you want to set as Parent for it.

When an Above Unit is set as a parent to another Above Unit, it means that its Head Of's permissions will cascade to the Above Unit below. So if Above Unit A is a parent to Above Unit B, then the Head of Above Unit A will have permissions on both Above Units.

Related articles: How can I label an Above Unit as a Brand?

Adding Units

Units are found in the Units tab.
There you will see three sub-tabs - Units, Set Permission, and Archived Units.


To add a new Unit, type its name into the space provided and click Add. Then, associate it with one or more Above Units from the drop-down menus. Repeat as often as needed. Adjustments will be automatically saved.

Set Permission

Like Above Units, Units will have two system jobs automatically created and associated with them, the Unit Manager and the Assistant Unit Manager. You cannot delete them, but you can define their permissions. For more information on how to define the permissions per job please read also: How to define the permissions per job?

Archived Units

Under this tab you'll find the units that were archived in the past. You can restore the archived unit here, or delete it permanently.


Under Jobs, you will find two categories of jobs - Not editable managerial jobs and Editable jobs.
All jobs come with configurable permissions, like access to reporting, assigning courses, editing users, etc.
  • Not editable managerial jobs are automatically created to coincide with related Units/Above Units and cannot be edited (e.g. Head of/Assistant Head of or Unit Manager/Assistant Unit Manager).
  • Editable Jobs can be edited, added, or deleted at any time.

Org_Structure_13.pngTo add a new Editable job, type their name into the Define Job field, and click Add.
Note: If an editable job is being added via a data transfer (FTP/API), you cannot edit it or remove it. It must be adjusted/deleted at the source.

Edit: Select Edit and update the job's title to your preference. Jobs can also be associated with more than one language, here, as well. (see below)
Delete: Select Delete and then verify deletion.
Editable jobs may be given permissions of the associated Above Unit Type or Unit.
Note: If the Assign permission is removed from a job or the job is deleted completely, automated assignment rules that were created by that job will stay active and transferred to the administrator.

Language Appropriate Jobs

Jobs can also be associated with more than one language, and appear to the member in their preferred language. To do so, select Edit.
Find the desired language in the first drop-down, and type in the translation in the field on the right. Then select Add. The default job title will appear unless the member's preferred language matches that of the alternative job title.

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