Acquiring More Licenses For a Purchased Course

When you have already enrolled in a course you want to purchase for others, you must first jump on the Course's About Page.

The first page you land in the course is the one with all the lectures listed. In order to purchase additional licenses, you need to click on on "About" link as presented below:


Once the Course's About page is accessed you will be able to check on the left side the "Gift this Course" option:


You will be redirected to the "Purchase Course" page by clicking on that option. You can select the number of licenses you want to purchase on the left side and proceed by filling in your credit card details.

Once the purchase is completed, you will receive an email with the invoice attached. You will also find the coupon code on the right side of the invoice which you can share with the users that need to enroll in the course.

Read more: How can I enroll in a course using a coupon I purchased?


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