Navigating Schoox: My Training vs Courses

Two seemingly similar options you encounter are My Training, and Courses. When you are using the navigation bar and hover over the Training option, both of these will appear as options, and it is important to select the correct one to find what you are looking for!


The My Training option redirects you to a page that has all of the Courses, Curricula, and Events that you have already enrolled in or that have been assigned to you. As you see below, this screen defaults to showing you My Courses (Underlined in blue).

However, there are two more options you can select to view other types of training where you are enrolled in. Selecting My Curricula (underlined in red) or My Events (underlined in yellow) or My On the Job Training (underlined in green) will bring up the respective training pages with all the items you are currently enrolled or registered in.


Read more: Where can I find the training I have been assigned with?

The Courses option will take you to a page that has the entire Course catalog of your academy. Here you can search through all Courses that are available to you. If you are a regular user, you will only be able to see courses that are listed as Public or the courses that you have been assigned to you. You can use the various filters as well to make sure you find the course you are looking for!



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