Removing Employees

Instead of removing employees and/or external members from your Academy, you can deactivate them. After deactivating them you can reactivate them anytime you want and even track the progress they've already done.

To deactivate a user from your Academy you will need to go to the Manage Members page. Select Admin/Manage/Reporting in the upper navigation bar. On the left select Members, then Manage Members.


Deactivate / Reactivate User

If you deactivate a user, they will not be able to access your Academy, unless you reactivate them. Their progress will be retained for you to report and you can reactivate them any time you want!

Note: Reactivated users are not taken into account by the assignment rules

To deactivate a user, check the box next to the user's name (e.g. employee or external members), and then click Deactivate. You can select multiple users by checking the checkbox next to their names. 


It is very easy to reactivate a user you have deactivated and make them again an active member of your Academy. To reactivate a user, head to the Past Employees tab and click on the Reactivate button next to the user's name. 



  • All material, rules, courses, curricula, and reports owned by a deactivated manager or admin will be transferred to the academy's super admin.
  • When a user is deactivated, ownership of their courses, curricula, and rules are transferred.
  • When a user is deactivated, ownership of their Library Items and Reports are not transferred over and can only be transferred on the back-end. If you need these to be transferred, contact our support team.
  • The Schedule reports for others is also deleted when the user that created them is deleted.

Bulk Deactivation

You, as an Admin/Manager with the relevant permission enabled (Deactivate user), have also the option to deactivate users in bulk via an excel file upload!

To do so, download the mass deactivation template, on the right side of the page.


In the template, make sure to add the User Id, the Firstname, and the Lastname of the users that you want to deactivate. Once the template is ready, upload it to Schoox by clicking the Upload File button. 



  • The mass deactivation template has a limitation regarding its size. The size of the file does not specify the number of entities that are inside the template. So, it is safer to say that a user can upload a template of approximately 1MB.

  • If the Admin of the academy has enabled the "Deactivated user summary report" notification, the user (Admin/Manager) who initiated the deactivation will receive an email once the process has been completed.
  • We strongly suggest to not trigger conflicted actions (ie deactivate and reactivate) in a short period of time. This is because such actions trigger multiple background processes which take time to be executed and multiple checks that have to be performed to ensure that everything was properly completed. The recommendation is waiting about ten seconds before triggering the next possible action.
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