Tracking My Training Progress

Under your Personal Training Dashboard, you can track your training progress to see details and statistics about your training in general. To find your personal Training Dashboard, hover over Me, click My Dashboard and then select Training

On this page, you can see details on each training type by selecting the relevant tab: Courses, Curricula, Exams, On the Job Training, Events, Career Paths. On the top right of each tab, you will see an overview of your progress on the specific training type, such as your time spent and completion rate. You can even download a spreadsheet with all of your training, just by clicking the Excel button.



Under the Courses tab, you will be able to see all the courses you have been enrolled in, along with the time you spent and any completions you had on them. 

Use the search bar and filters to find the courses you want to check your progress in. For each course, you can see information such as: 

1) Your current progress
2) Your last enrollment date
3) Your current time spent
4) Your last retake date
5) The total number of completions on this course
6) Your current completion date, if you are currently completed in the course

Moreover, if you click on Details you can see more information regarding this course's lectures. 



When locating a specific course, you can filter by Status.

  • All Courses shows all active, archived, and external courses in which you are currently enrolled.
  • Dropout Courses shows active courses. Archived courses are not included. External courses are shown only if there’s an active subscription.
  • Compliance Courses shows only active courses (including external) in which you are currently enrolled (both complete and incomplete).

Tip! Why does my course appear as completed By Admin or As Equivalent? 

By Admin: Your course may appear as completed by Admin either because your Admin has marked you as completed for it, or because it was added to a curriculum that you have previously completed and is set to maintain your progress. If the case is the latter you will see an info icon that will inform you of this.


As Equivalent: Your Academy Admin has the option to mark two courses as equivalent, meaning that once you complete the first course, the second will be automatically completed by equivalency. In this case, you will see an "as equivalent" indication on the second course. 



Under the Curricula tab, you will be able to see all the curricula you have been enrolled in, along with the time you spent and any completions you had on them. 

Use the search bar and filters to find the curricula you want to check your progress in. Similarly with courses, for each curriculum, you can see information such as: 

1) Your current progress
2) Your last enrollment date
3) Your current time spent
4) Your last retake completion
5) The total number of completions on this curriculum
6) Your current completion date, if you are currently completed in the curriculum

Moreover, if you click on Details you can see more information regarding this curriculum's courses. 



Under the Exams tab, you will be able to see all the exams you are enrolled in, along with your score and attempts on them.

Use the search bar and filters to find the exam you want to check your progress in. For each exam, you can see information such as:
1) Your Best Score
2) The points you got out of the total points
3) Your current status (Pass/Failed)

Moreover, if you click on Details you can see more information on each attempt you have taken for the specific exam. 


On the Job Training

Under the On the Job Training tab, you will be able to see all the On the Job Trainings you have to complete, along with your progress and score you may have on them.

Use the search bar and filters to find the On the Job Training you want to check your progress in or sign off. To complete your On the Job Training, just click on Details, and then proceed with signing your tasks as you would normally do.

Learn more on how to complete your OJT here: Completing An On The Job Training Task



Under the Events tab, you will be able to see all the Events that you are registered in.

Use the search bar and the filters to find the Event you want to check your progress in. For each event, you will be able to see the dates the event took place, and the time you have registered for this event.


Career Paths

Under the Career Paths tab, you will be able to see all the Career Paths related to your jobs and the ones you have followed, along with your skill strength for each of them. If you click on details, you will be able to review all Courses under the specific path and the Skill Strength you gained from each of them. 


Please note This tab is only visible if your Academy Admin has enabled Career Paths for your Academy. 

Read more: Track my progress - Personal Dashboard

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