Οbliging your Εmployees to Retake a Course from the Employees Dashboard?

By default, students can take courses as often as they’d like. Schoox keeps track of the amount of time spent on each course, and whether or not the course has been completed. 

In Schoox, however, users with Admin rights, Training Managers or Managers with the Assign Training permission enabled, have the option to require that specific students retake courses. Once a user is obliged then you will be able to track each completion attempt separately.

There are two different ways to Oblige a User to Retake a Course:

  • Employees Dashboard
  • Oblige to Retake page

1. Oblige to Retake page

You can use the Oblige to Retake page, to oblige users in a bulk way. To learn how to leverage the Oblige to Retake page, read more: How can I use the Oblige to Retake page?

2. Employees Dashboard

To oblige a student to retake a course, navigate to your Admin/Manage tab from the upper navigation menu. From the left side menu, select Employees Dashboard under Reporting and search for the employee.


Select the course you'd like them to retake and click on the wrench icon. Add a due date (if needed) and hit Oblige to Retake.


  • The employee will then be notified that they need to retake the course, and they will no longer be able to see their previous progress.
  • The Due date field will be updated accordingly, based on the new assignment. 
  • Admins and Users with the reporting permission enabled will have the option to see which was the Last retake date for this course and user.


Last but not least, you can check how many times someone has taken a course, by clicking the retake icon within the course. 


Important note: You have the option to oblige users to retake the Course even if they have not yet completed it! Just follow the very same process (Add a due date if needed, hit Oblige to retake button) and their progress will be reset to 0%.


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