Archiving a Course

You can easily archive courses you are no longer using. This effectively hides the course from all students but allows you to make it active again at a later date.

To archive a course, go to course in question and click on Manage Course.

Under Edit Course in the side menu bar, select Archive Course.  Then verify in the box that appears.

On the next page, you can also define how archived courses should be handled. Select one of the following options:

  • Do not unassign enrolled users (default option)
  • Unassign users who haven’t completed the course
  • Mark all non completed users as completed by admin

Please note that this course will be removed from all curricula of which it is a part. Any training events associated with it will become standalone events. All auto-assignment rules will also be deleted. Any enrolled users will not be unassigned. 

Unassign users who haven't completed the course only works for active users. It does not unassign deactivated users.

After you archive your course you will be able to find it under the Course listings page and the Reporting features, if you filter for Archived Courses


Read more: Restoring an Archived Course

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