Completing Your On the Job Training Tasks [mobile app]

When creating an On the Job Training step in Schoox, you can create four different types of tasks. Tasks that can be simply checked off when complete, tasks that require some sort of homework from the employee, tasks with signature, and open questions.

To complete your tasks (as a trainee), access the main navigation menu and click on the Training option. Select On the Job Training from the Dropdown Menu. In the panel that opens, click on the title of your On the Job Training.


Find_OJT.png                   OJT_List.jpg

To complete tasks that don’t require any verification from you, simply check off the field next to the name of your task. The date will be automatically recorded.

Sign_off_Task.jpg.png              Performance_score.png

The process for the signature tasks is pretty similar. Instead of clicking on the "sign-off" icon, you have to click on the Sign button and then add your signature.

Signature_Task.png              Signature.jpg

To complete a task that requires a Home Assignment, you have to provide some sort of verification to your trainer. This assignment could be a report or even a test, and most likely was given to you by your instructor. After completing your assignment based on your manager's instructions, you have to upload it in Schoox. You can upload different types of files (for example, .ppt, .doc, .xls, etc). To do so, click on the Upload button in the relevant task.

Your manager can then rate your performance, upload a revised home assignment, and/or add any needed comments.


To complete an Open Question task, click on the Answer-field and submit your answer.

Open_Question_1.jpg                  Open_Question_2.jpg



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