Setting Up an Intro Video for Your Academy

As an Admin, you have the option to show an Introduction video to your Αcademy Αdmins, Managers, and/ or Members. You can even set a different video for each group.

First, you need to enable the intro video for your preferred group of users. To do so, select Admin in the top navigation bar. Under Your Academy on the left, select Academy Settings.

In the Member Settings section, under Academy Introduction Video you will find three options:

  • Show video for Academy Admins 
  • Show video for Academy Managers
  • Show video for Academy Members

When enabling any of these three options, you have the option to add a video link from YouTube or Vimeo.


Then you can select if you want these videos to be displayed when a user logs in on the web and/or on the mobile app, by checking the relevant check boxes.

Save when finished.


A Library video can also be used instead of YouTube or Vimeo, but only for members. The video must be housed in Schoox, and not on a streaming platform like YouTube or Vimeo (.mp4 or the like).

To do so, you must first enable the member intro video as described above. Then find the video in your Library, and select More Info. In the options that appear, select Set as Intro video for Members.


This will then show as your Members' intro video in Academy Settings.



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