In Schoox you can easily keep track of how much time your employees spent completing their training. You can see all the information regarding the time spent in the Employees Dashboard.
Courses: The time spent for a course is calculated by adding the time spent on all of the course's lectures. For each type of lecture, the time spent is being calculated differently:
- Documents: For pdf, ppt and doc lectures, the maximum allowed time spent per slide/page is set to 30 seconds by default (i.e. a lecture with 10 slides will count maximum 5 minutes time spent). If the time per slide/page is shorter than 30 seconds/page the time spent reflects the actual time the document was open with a maximum value of 30seconds x (pages of the document).
Admins have the ability to change the max time spent recognized per page on a document lecture. To do so, just go to the Advanced Academy Settings, and under Academy Courses> Other Settings, add the value that you want to!
Videos/Audios: For a video/audio, once the video/audio reaches the end, it is marked as complete and the time spent reflects the duration of the video/audio.
Do you allow fast forward for your videos?
If No then the time spent shown for the video lectures reflects the actual time that the user spent.
If Yes then the time spent for the video lectures reflects the duration of the video.As an example, let's say that a user clicks on a video step (that allows fast forward) and that the video duration is 12 minutes. Once the video opens, they fast-forward the video to the end. The user’s actual time spent was 1 second but the time spent that you will see for him under employees' dashboard will be 12 minutes, since we track the video's length, not the user's actual time spent on the video.
Please Note
- No information is communicated between a video streaming site, like YouTube, except that time was spent there. Externally hosted videos may not continue correctly when revisited.
- External videos, like YouTube, are controlled with the site's native video player. Options like those preventing a viewer from skipping ahead do not apply to externally streamed videos.
Scorm: The time spent for a SCORM lecture reflects the time the SCORM lecture was open.
Academy Admin has the option to enable session timeout after user inactivity for SCORM/AICC lectures. Under the Academy Settings, they can set the desired value of inactivity time.
You have the option to adjust the Max Time Recognition on SCORM lectures! Occasionally, SCORM lectures produce an inaccurate value of the user’s time spent viewing the lecture. To account for this, we have added an optional field called "Max Time Recognition (in minutes)" next to each SCORM lecture.
When there is a value in this field, and if the time spent that we recorded was greater than this value, we will display the time spent value of the "Max Time Recognition" field instead of the system’s time spent value of the SCORM lecture.
Web: The time spent for a Web lecture reflects the time the web page was open.
Exams: The time spent for an exam reflects the time the exam was open. If the exam is part of a course, the exam’s time spent is added to the overall course time.
On the Job Training: Under each task, you have the option to define the "Estimated Time Required for Task Completion" field.
This field will reflect the time the employee spent on this task and can be filled in by the OJT creator. If the On the Job Training is part of a course the time in this field will be added to the overall course time. However, managers have the option during the sign off/ assessment process to replace this time with the actual time the employee sent to complete the task.
In Class Training: When an In Class Training is completed, the event creator is able to mark the registrants as absent/attended. For every registrant that is marked as attended, there is a time of attendance field that has to be filled in, which reflects the time the employee spent in this In Class Training. If this event is course connected the time of attendance will be added to the overall course time.
Live Sessions: When a Live Session is completed, the system will fill the time of attendance field with the time the attendees spent in the live session. If this event is course connected the time of attendance will be added to the overall course time.
Please note that if you are using the Webex integration for your live sessions, Webex does not return the time of attendance time back to Schoox. In this case, the event creator can fill the time of attendance manually.
Tip! Please note that under the "Edit Info" page of the course/Curriculum there is a field related to the Estimated Duration (Hours:Minutes:Seconds). When an Admin/Manager marks a course (or curriculum and courses) as completed, courses' completion time will be prefilled/saved with the estimated duration, if any.