In Schoox you have the option to create Badges that will be automatically awarded to your employees upon event-completion.
First of all, in order to be able to create event-badges, you will need to enable the relevant advanced setting for your academy. Hover over the Admin tab from your upper navigation menu and click on the Academy Settings option. Go to your Advanced Settings, search for the Gamification module, click on the Academy Badges section and turn to yes the toggle that is related to the event badges (In-Class Training and/or Live Sessions).
Now that you have enabled the event-badges for your academy, you have the option to go to the Event panel of the desired Event and add a badge which employees will be awarded automatically upon event-completion.
Simply select Admin from the upper navigation bar, select either the In-Class Training or the Live Sessions tab and click on the Manage Events option.
Find the event in question, click on the Manage Event option, and hit Badge.
You are ready to create a badge for your event!
Add a Badge name, upload an image if needed, change your badge icon, shape, color, etc. and click on the blue Save button at the bottom of the page to save your badge. Once a user attends this event, he/she will be awarded with the created event-badge and he/she will be able to view it under his/her Accomplishments.
- If you are an Academy Admin, you will have the option to revoke a badge, if needed!
- The uploaded image’s ratio should be 400x480 pixels.