You have the option to combine specific (un)assignment rules in order to assign a course to individuals that belong to more than one group, to exclude users who belong to a specific group, etc.
You have the option to combine (un)assignment rules in order to assign a course to individuals that belong to more than one group, to exclude users who belong to a specific group, etc.
Case 1: Assigning a course to individuals that belong to more than one group.
You can create rules with criteria that match to more than one set. To better understand this functionality, have a look at the graph below:
Let's assume that you have Dataset A and Dataset B.
Dataset A: All Unit Managers in California.
Dataset B: All Unit Managers in Store A.
A ∩ B: All Unit Managers in California and Store A.
To do so, set the first rule for the Data Set A.
Dataset A will include the user with the job "Unit Manager" that is associated with the above unit "California."
Select these as follows:
Q: Why don't we add Store A here?
A: It will select everyone with the selected job who has either the Above Unit OR the Unit selected. If there are Unit Managers in Thessaloniki at Store A, it would select those as well. We only want Unit Managers in California at Store A.
Now it is time to set up Dataset B. Just as a reminder, this is All Unit Managers in Store A. First, we add a new selection by clicking on Add more Job/ Unit Criteria
A new panel will be created. Let's fill it out with the information for the Dataset B!
Next, we want to combine these rules, so that only people who fit both Dataset 1 and Dataset 2 will be added to this rule. This can be done in the Rule composition editor.
To create a conjunction, also known as an overlap, write in "1 AND 2" to combine rule 1 (All Unit Managers in California) and rule 2 (All Unit Managers in Store A).
Click on Calculate to see how many users match the criteria. You might have noted that in our above example, 0 people would fit the criteria - fully set up academies will of course have higher numbers!
Case 2: Assign a course to three sets of people
You can add up to three rules following the same process. You can click the "Add more Job/ Unit Criteria" button to create a third rule.
In the Rule Composition editor panel add "1 AND 2 AND 3".
This rule will calculate the users that belong to all three rules (Data Sets A, B and C) at the same time.
Case 3: Assign a course to three sets of people, when the third set is independent.
You can also assign a course to three sets when the third set isn't connected with the other two.
Example: You need to assign a course to Unit Managers that belong to Data Set A and Data Set B, and all Sales Managers of Data Set C.
You can create a third rule for Data Set C, for the users with job "Sales Manager" that are associated with above unit(s) and/or unit(s). Once the third rule is created, you can write in the Rule composition editor the (1 AND 2) OR 3. This means that the assignment will be applied to all users that are in both Data Set A and Data Set B (rules 1 and 2) and to those that are also in the Data Set C (rule 3) without required to be in the first two Data Sets.
Case 4: Exclude a specific group of people.
Use a NOT operator to create exclusions when combining assignment rules. When using Advanced Assignment and Combining Assignment rules, you have the option to Exclude users who have a specific job or belong to a specific Above Unit/Unit. As an example, if you want to assign a course to All Unit Managers apart from the ones who belong to a specific Unit, select the first dataset (Data Set A) based on the greater audience of your assignment (Job: Unit Manager, Units: All) and then select "Add more job/unit Criteria". Then a new panel will be created, where you'll need to insert the rule for the second data set (Data Set B) which you'd like to be excluded from your advanced assignment (Job: Unit Manager, Units: Unit to be excluded).
In the Rule Composition editor panel add "1 NOT 2".
Possible connections to the Rule Composition Editor
- 1 OR 2: This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are either in rule 1 or 2.
- 1 AND 2: This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in both rules 1 and 2.
- 1 NOT 2: This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in rule 1 but are not in rule 2.
- 1 AND 2 AND 3: This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in all rules 1, 2 and 3.
- 1 OR 2 OR 3: This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are either in rule 1, 2 or 3.
- (1 AND 2) OR 3: This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in both rules 1 and 2 or in rule 3.
- (1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3): This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in both rules 1 and 2 or in both rules 1 and 3.
- (1 AND 2) AND (2 AND 3): This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in both rules 1 and 2 and in both rules 2 and 3.
- (1 AND 2) AND (2 OR 3): This assigns the course/curricula to all users that are in both rules 1 and 2 and either in 2 or 3.
- The connections can contain up to three sets of rules but NOT operator is available only for single operations.
- Rules included in parentheses are considered as one set of rules and prioritized over the ones outside the parentheses.
- AND operator has priority when calculated over the OR operator.