As an Admin, you can enable self-assessments for your employees. Through self-assessments, your employees can evaluate themselves both in their required metrics and the available Academy Metrics. Self-assessments can help you better understand the gap between how you evaluate your employees on certain metrics and how different they perceive themselves in the same metrics. In Schoox this is called the Perception Gap.
First, you need to enable the self-assessments for your employees. To find out how read: How Can I Enable Performance Metrics In My Academy?
Please note that your employees will be able to assess themselves using the Rating System you chose when setting up your Academy’s Metrics.
Once you enable the self-assessments your employees will be able to submit an assessment by going to the "My Self-Assessments" page, under the Performance tab.
You, as an Admin, will be able to track these requests under the Perform Assessments page, along with all the assessments made for this user by their managers. Just click on New Assessment to review previous assessments. On the same page, admins and managers with the relevant permission are able to assess the employees under their organizational structure. To learn more read: How to complete an assessment as a manager?
Once the employee and the manager have both provided an assessment, the perception gap dashboard will help you investigate the gap in the perception between your managers and their team members with respect to their performance. This dashboard is only available for Admins and can be accessed from the Admin left panel under Reporting -> My Team's Dashboard.
The perception gap can show the differences for all the Academy or only for selected employees: you can choose for which employees you want to check the perception gap by selecting the needed organizational structure.
Zero gap means that both the manager and the employee agree completely on the performance of the employee. A negative perception gap means the manager has assessed the employee more austere than the employee themselves and positive means the opposite.
In the Employees tab, you can see the perception gap for each user. If you click on a user, you will find the user’s scores for the manual and self-assessment, in each metric. Additionally, you can see the perception gap for each metric individually.
Last but not least, you are able to check the perception gap for each job and for each manager, by selecting the relevant tab.