How to add, edit and delete a wall post to a group? [mobile app]

Groups are smaller communities within your Academy for collaboration, knowledge, and content sharing around specific topics. If you are a group member you can add wall posts to this group.

To access your group navigate on the left-side menu and then select Groups.



Add Group Post

Select the group you wish to add a post to and hit see all.

select_desired_gropu.jpg             To_view_the_wall_posts.png

Select the "+" symbol and add your text in the Message field. You can add Attachments or Upload Images from your computer. You have the option to schedule your post to be published at a future date.

Add_post.png             Add_text_message.png 

Click on the Post button when finished!


Edit Group Post

To edit a group post of yours, simply, navigate to your desired group and hit see all.

select_desired_gropu.jpg            To_view_the_wall_posts.png

Find your post that you wish to edit and select the "arrow" symbol. Click Edit.

Edit_comment.png             Edit_comment_selection.png

Edit your Message and select Save Changes.


Delete Group Post

To delete a group post of yours follow the same steps as before but select Delete instead of Edit.

Edit_comment.png             Delete_a_group_Post.png

Important notes:

  • In order for a group member to be able to post on the group wall or create a discussion thread, the group's admin should have enabled the related permissions. Learn more here: How to create a group? [mobile app]
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