Editing My Profile

You can edit much information related to you, on your Academy Profile. Let's check how you can do this in more detail!

Firstly, to find your Profile, you need to hover over Me and then click on My Profile. To see the information you can edit and edit it, just click on Edit Profile


To edit an item just click on Edit next to the item, make the needed changes, and click Save. Once you complete all the modifications you need to, click Done Editing to finish the process. 


Now, let's check what information may be available for you to edit:

  • Firstname, Lastname, and Preferred name. Your Admin may have also allowed you to select which name will be displayed in the Academy: your legal or preferred one. 
  • Country
  • Languages and Preferred language: learn more here: How do I change my preferred language?
  • Birthdate: You can change your birthday here. Just select a date from the pop-up calendar!
  • Custom Attributes: Based on the type of the attribute, you may need to add text or a number, select an option from a dropdown, or pick a date from a calendar.
  • Short Bio: Add a few words about yourself
  • Education: You can add a new one, or edit the ones you added in the past. 
  • Experience: You can add a new one, or edit the ones you added in the past. 

Last but not least, you can update your profile picture if you wish so, by hitting either Upload Photo or Remove. The size limit for this is 4MB, the max resolution is [1920px, 1920px] and the minimum resolution is [175px, 175px].

Please note that the information you are able to edit depends on which information your Academy Admin has permitted you to edit.

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