Creating an On the Job Training Task

An Admin or a Manager with the Create Standalone On the Job Training permission can create and manage their On the Job Trainings and the tasks within them. 

To create a new task for your On the Job Training, head over to the On the Job Training panel and click on the Edit Tasks option. 


Click on the Create new task button, select one of the available types of tasks and fill in the relevant Title and Description. Add the estimated time required for task completion, choose if you want managers to provide the actual time that the user needed to complete the task, select if you want this task to be signable only by an academy admin,  and click Save new Task when you've finished.


Please note:

  • The character limit for the On the Job Training Task description is 2,500 simple characters. If you are using the rich text editor, the character limit may be slightly lower than 2,500 due to the additional formatting and elements included in rich text.
  • If you mark a task as "signable only by admin", Managers will not be able to evaluate the users under their org structure even if they have the "Assess On the Job Training Performance" permission enabled.
  • Upon completion of the OJT, the "Estimated Time Required for Task Completion" will be added to the total time spent on the course. However, managers have the option during the sign-off/ assessment process to replace this time with the actual time the employee sent to complete the task.
  • For Course-Connected On the Job Trainings you also have the option to create a Task Pool when creating a new Task. To learn more about this read: How To Create A Task Pool For Your Course-Connected On The Job Trainings

Available Types of Tasks:

Simple Task: A Simple task does not require any verification from the trainee, they just need to sign off their task in order to be marked as completed.

Home Assignment: You can also set an On the Job Training task to be completed with a Home Assignment. A Home Assignment task requires the trainees to accomplish some sort of homework, and then verify that they have completed the assignment by uploading an assignment document or file. After the upload, the task is considered complete; and the managers can download the assignments, review them, and rate them.

Please note that only the files of one of the following types can be uploaded (as a home assignment): 

.zip, .rar, .3gp, .avi, .flv, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .ogv, .webm, .wmv, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .mp3, .m4a

Open Question: You have the option to ask from the trainees to answer to an open question. For example, you can set a task “Describe the three most popular dishes in a paragraph of at least 100 words” and the employee can write the paragraph to complete the task.

Task with Signature: By adding this type of task, users will be able to sign off their tasks by drawing their signature. Moreover, you have the option to decide if this task should be signable only by an admin (Admin Task) or if the Trainee can mark the task as completed through Trainer's account (

Apart from the task's description, for each of the tasks, you have the option to upload instructions for your trainees by clicking on one of the following options:

  • Add Url Instructions
  • Upload Instructions
  • Add Instructions from Library


Moreover, each OJT task can be associated with a specific metric or set of metrics. For each task, click on the Associate with metrics field, and choose the metrics from the list provided. This allows you to use the results of this On the Job Training alongside the Metrics management in your Academy.

Read more: Edit On the Job Training Tasks

Managing User Course Progress When an On the Job Training is Added / Updated

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