Utilizing the Onboarding Module

When a new employee starts working, assigning training and managing the workflow can be a difficult thing to do. The Onboarding module in Schoox allows you to design the training schedule for all new employees as well as for employees that changed jobs within the company.

You can learn more about how to set up your Onboarding plan here: Setting up an Onboarding plan

In this article, let's look at the application of the various configurations of the module itself.

Time-Based Flow

More commonly, this option is known as drip training. It is best for the delivery of courses/curricula over a period of time so that the learner can develop in their career or simply a trainer/manager not wanting to overload the learner. Let's look at an example of how this might be leveraged.

Scenario: We are starting a 90 day new hire program at the beginning of July to drive all team members through a series of courses/curricula essential to our success. This cover our fifteen course compliance training, a mandatory Customer Service Excellence Curriculum (a series covering the basics all the way to advanced techniques that have been proven successful), a leadership course, and finally, our 30/60/90 day refresher courses. All in all, there are about 35 courses.

That is a lot of coursework to put in front of a new hire on day one. While showing a syllabus gives them an idea of what's coming, we really want them to focus on what they need to complete right now.

We've chosen to set this from July 1st forward. Also, we've opted for 90 days instead of 12 weeks because there is granularity needed that a learner might have a day or a couple days to finish a course.

On day one, we set the three courses to assign. Two with a one day due date (Promoting a Drug-Free Workplace and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace) and one with a seven day due date (Communicating with Colleagues) as they will have activities, On the Job Trainings and other interactions to occur before they can complete it.

On day two, we have the learner jump into Ethics in the Workplace, having two days to complete it. The overlap let's the learner continue through other training while waiting to complete their Communication course.

We would continue this process so that training is slowly given to the learner, keep their focus on the present and not looking at what is to come. After we continue down the flow, we have a 30 day check-in, making sure there is not a lapse in knowledge. Same thing occurs at 60 and 90 days, with their new hire graduation happening at day 90. By that time, they will have completed all 35 courses, not causing panic by having so much on their plate at one time.

Activity-Based Flow

This is a great option if we are wanting the learner to take their development into their own hands.

Scenario: We have created a program to develop our Supervisors into Managers, but the goal is for them to unlock the path as they grow or have them time to continue. There are forks in their development that they can dive further down a path if they wish or pause and work on other courses.

The Onboarding profile has been setup to focus on Job Change, as anyone that moves into the Supervisor role, should be put into this flow.

Our initial course, Leadership, is Assigned (not open for Enrollment) to the learner. From here we open enrollment to two different forks. One around Management and the other around Values.

From here, we are adding further education into these areas.

Some forks may go further than others, but this is open enrollment, so that the individual can choose their path and take the training when they are ready, which also prevents unnecessary incomplete courses just sitting on their transcript.

We may want to put a second path in, that assigns the first course,

And from the assignment of two courses, so begins their learning journey. We want to empower our leaders and future leaders to become who they want to, and the Activity based flow is  built to support this.

Time-Based/Activity-Based Combination Flow

Adding a combination of the two flows can be very powerful for team member development. The Time-Based flow works independent of the Activity-Based flow. Let's take our first New Hire Flow. If we were to inject a single course completion that opens up a path to develop the individual as we provide a manager more insight into a team member's interest in leadership capabilities, the result can truly be impactful.

Here is our Time-Based flow, with the addition of Leadership on day seven. In combination, this will also be setting an invite to enroll for Leadership on the Activity-Based flow. A course cannot be assigned in both places, so with this combination, an invitation for Leadership is sent out on the first day of the Activity-Based flow. If the user enrolls themselves and completes the course, or completes it via the Time-Based assignment, the Activity-Based flow will be kicked off.

As the learner completes this course, the path we created in the Activity-Based flow opens up. 

There are many possibilities for the use of the Onboarding module.

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Setting Up a Time-Based Onboarding Plan

Setting Up an Activity-Based Onboarding Plan

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