Suggested Courses

As an Academy Admin, you can select how courses will be suggested to your users. There are two different cases available in your academy’s settings:

1) Courses are suggested by default only based on permissions that have been set up (i.e. what roles have permission to access which course categories). This means that by default users are suggested the latest courses that have been published and are open for them to take.

2) If you want the system to suggest courses to end-users based on more criteria like their job or metrics needed for their job you can choose to turn on this feature and configure what criteria and weighting factors (i.e. priority) should be taken into account. In order to leverage the suggestion algorithm, you have to set up correctly the associations between metrics, jobs, and courses in the metrics and performance management module.


If the first option is enabled, then the Suggestion Algorithm will prioritize courses that are relevant to an employee's job. In this case, the algorithm will take into account the permissions of the user (categories they can access), the date the course was published, and the course creation date.

If the second option is enabled, then the Suggestion Algorithm will prioritize courses that can improve the required metrics that are needed for an employee's job. In this case, the algorithm will take into account the Metrics you have connected to this user's job and to the relevant courses. To learn more about connecting jobs, courses and metrics read here: How to Connect Metrics with Jobs & Courses?

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