Creating Games

In Schoox, you can build games in order to motivate users to complete their training!

As an Admin, you have the option to create different levels and choose which population of your Academy will be able to unlock levels of your game.

NOTE: Points awarded through games or any activity that awards points are not applied retroactively. Points are only awarded from the time the activity or game is set up as described in this article.

First of all, in order to be able to create a game, you have to enable the Gamification module for your academy. To do so, go to the Academy Settings, under Advanced Settings, click on the Gamification Module and turn the toggle to yes.


You are now ready to create your own game! To do so, click on the Gamification tab of your Administration panel and then hit Games


Click on the green Create game button and fill in the basic information for your game.

  • Add a Game Name: You can choose names for your game levels (e.g. Beginner, Amateur, Runner, Expert, etc.) but levels can have also numbers that will show up within the respective badges). Numbers can make clear the difference between two levels that are in great distance to each other.
  • Select an icon for your Game
  • Game Limitations: You can choose which population of your Academy will be able to unlock the levels of your game.


Click on the blue Save button at the bottom of the page once finished. You can now proceed with all of the additional settings for your game:


  • Select if you want the different game levels to have also numbers (e.g. 1st, 2nd, …)
  • Define the Game Levels:

- Click on the plus icon in order to create a level for your game:


- Add a name for your level and define the points that are needed to unlock this level

- Click on the french key icon in order to change your badge icon, shape, color, etc.


  • Activities: Choose activities through which members will be able to earn Points for your game. Many activities when performed provide Points to multiple members. For example, when a member completes a Course he earns Points as a Learner but at the same time, you can choose for the Instructor of the course to earn Points as well.

    Add the points you want the activity to award. For activities related to Courses or Curricula, you also have the option to select if you want All courses to award the points when this activity is completed, or only specific Selected Courses.  


Do not forget to set your game as an active one! To do so, go to your games' listing and set the toggle to yes.


Each user will be able to see his/her active games as well as the current progress on these games when accessing his/her personal profile (Me> My Profile). The active games are under the Accomplishments tab, Badges option.


Please note that you, as an Admin, have the option to enable an in-app notification that will inform the user about the points he earned for each one of the activities! 

To do so, please go to your Administration panel and click on the Academy option, under Notifications. Find the Leaderboard notifications under the respective tab and turn the toggle to yes.

Note: Activities completed by an Admin will not assign any points to the user.

Read also: Leaderboard Notifications


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