Changing Your Preferred language

You have the option to change your preferred language and update the language of your Courses and Curricula directly from your profile!

Note: The preferred language can only be changed if the Academy Admin has the relevant setting enabled. This setting is found under Academy Panel -> Academy Settings -> Social Collaboration Modules -> Social Activities Settings -> "Users can edit their preferred language"
Social Collaboration Module/Social Activities Settings/"Users can edit their preferred language"

To do so, hover over Me, from the upper navigation bar, and click on My profile.


Click on the Edit Profile option to start editing your profile settings!


Click on the Edit icon next to the Languages block.


Add/ Find the language that you want to set as a preferred one and click on the Preferred option.

Choose if you want to change the Curricula Language (for multilanguage curricula). 


Don't forget to hit Save/ Save and Exit once finished in order to apply your changes.

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