Admins, Training Managers (if they are able to Assign Training) and Managers who have the Assign Training - Automated Rules permission enabled, have the option to create automated (re)assignment rules for Courses and Curricula. Moreover, Admins and Managers who have the Create Onboarding profiles permission enabled, have the option to create and activate Onboarding profiles.
All these Automated Rules can be found under the Automated Rules Dashboard. To find the Dashboard just click Admin/Manage on the upper navigation panel and then select Automated Rules on the left panel. Here you may find all of the automated rules created per feature/training entity:
- Courses (assignment & reassignment rules)
- Curricula (assignment & reassignment rules)
- Preferred timezone rules
- Onboardings
- Associate Units with users
Depending on your role and permissions, you will be able to see and manage a different set of rules.
Admins are able to see and manage all of the academy rules.
Training Managers are able to see and manage all Course/Curriculum Assignment/Reassignment Rules. Based on their permissions (Assign Courses / Assign Curricula) they may be able to see only Course, Curriculum, or both types of Rules.
Managers are only able to see Course/Curriculum Assignment/Reassignment Rules. Moreover, they can only see the rules they have created and the rules that are owned by the academy's Super Admin and refer to their structure.
Now let's check all the different options in more detail!
1. Courses & Curricula
1.1 Course/Curriculum Assignment Rules
Find the desired course or curriculum, click on its title, and you will see a list the automated assignment rules that are connected to it. Note that it only shows active rules; prior rules with an expiration date that have expired will not show up. The list contains the name of each rule, the status (active or inactive) the state (running or paused), the owner of the rule, and the rule creation date.
Click on the wrench icon next to the rule in order to:
- Edit the rule
- Pause the rule
- Assume (Adopt) the rule
- See the history of the rule (you have the option to add a note per action if needed)
- Delete the rule
Important Note: an Admin / Training Manager can assume any rule they want while a Manager can only assume a rule that refers to their org structure and belongs to the Academy's Super Admin.
1.2 Course/Curriculum Reassignment Rules
Find the desired Course/Curriculum, click on its title and you will be able to see a list of all of the relevant automated re-assignment rules. The list contains the Name of each rule, the status (active/inactive) the state (running/ paused), the owner of the rule, and the rule creation date.
Click on the wrench icon next to the rule in order to:
- Edit the rule
- Pause the rule
- See the history of the rule (you have the option to add a note per action if needed)
- Delete the rule
Important Note: an Admin / Training Manager can assume any rule they want while a Manager can only assume a rule that refers to their org structure and belongs to the Academy's Super Admin.
2. Preferred timezone rules
Find the desired Timezone, click on its title and you will be able to see a list of all of the relevant automated assignment rules for this timezone. The list contains the Name of each rule, the status (active/inactive) the state (running/ paused), the owner of the rule, and the rule creation date.
Click on the wrench icon next to the rule in order to:
- Edit the rule
- Pause the rule
- See the history of the rule (you have the option to add a note per action if needed)
- Delete the rule
3. Onboardings
Under this page, you can find a list of all of the non-deleted onboarding profiles created in the academy. The list contains the Name of each profile, the status (active/inactive), the owner of the profile, and the last activation date.
Click on the wrench icon next to the profile in order to:
- Edit the profile (you can edit everything but the org structure and the time units field)
- Assume (Adopt) the profile
- See the history of the profile (you have the option to add a note per action if needed)
- Delete the profile
4. Above Unit and Unit associations
Find the desired (Above) Unit, click on its title and you will be able to see a list of all of the relevant automated association rules. The list contains the Name of each rule, the status (active/inactive) the state (running/ paused), the owner of the rule, and the rule creation date.
Click on the wrench icon next to the rule in order to:
- Edit the rule
- Pause the rule
- See the history of the rule (you have the option to add a note per action if needed)
- Delete the rule