Prioritizing Automated vs Manual Assessments

In Schoox, members’ metrics can be determined either by their progress in their training or by the assessments that their managers made for them. You, as an Admin, are able to weigh their importance on the members’ final rating. To do so, go to the Performance Metrics section and click Automated vs Manual. On this page, admins can also choose what exam scores will be passed over to metrics as automated assessments. 

Please note that the automated assessments come from online training while the manual assessments are assessments conducted by managers. 


To weigh the importance of Automated and Manual Assessments on the members’ final rating just adjust the bar to achieve the desired ratio. As an example, you can choose that for a user’s final rating we should take into account 30% of their automated assessment’s rating and 70% of the rating they were given by their manager.

>Automated Assessment

The automated assessment rating of a metric corresponds to the score the user has on the connected exam questions. The automated rating for a metric connected to an exam question is updated according to the user’s score on the question. 

On this page, admins can specify what exam scores will be passed over to metrics as automated assessments. You have two options on which exam attempts will be taken into account to calculate the user's automated assessment score. 

The two options are:

1) All Exam Attempts. If you select this option both passed and failed exam attempts will be taken into account when calculating the automated assessment of a user. This will give you a more holistic view of an employee's metrics' strength. 
2) Only passed exam attempts. If you select this option only passed exam attempts will be taken into account when calculating the automated assessment of a user.

If you select to only take into account passed exam attempts then you have another option:

1) Only the score from the first passed to attempt to be passed as an online training metric score
2) The average score of all passed attempts to be passed as an online training metric score


Please note that a metric-connected course should always include an exam and the metric should be connected to at least one exam question. Otherwise, the automated assessment will be incorrect.

>Manual Assessment

The manual assessment rating of a metric is a result of all the assessments the managers and admins have completed for a user, for this specific metric. An Admin can assess all Academy members by using the Perform Assessment page. In the same way, managers can use the Perform Assessment page to assess the members under their organizational structure whenever they want to. Additionally, Admins can request from their managers to assess the users under their org structure, and this assessment also counts for the members’ manual assessment rating.

Read more about Manual Assessments: How To Complete An Assessment As A Manager?

>Self Assessment

Regular users may have the ability to assess themselves if their Academy Admin has given this option through the Advanced Academy Settings. However, these assessments do not count in the users’ overall manual ratings. The self-assessment rating only works to help the Admins have a better understanding of the perception gap between how members and managers assess the members’ metrics and abilities.


Note: The Automated vs Manual Assessments bar adjusts the weighting ratio between automated and manual assessments for calculating the final combined score of a particular skill. This adjustment affects only the scores displayed in the “Combined” tab (My Team's Dashboard - Skills - By employee) within the employee's tab.

By Employee.jpg


If the Automated Assessment from Online Training is assigned a 100% weight, skills rated by managers will still appear in the “From Managers” tab. However, these ratings will not be taken into account for the combined calculations.

Automated vs Manual Assessment.jpg

Read more about Self Assessments: Self-Assessments And Perception Gap

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