Setting Up a Time-Based Onboarding Plan

A time-based onboarding process has consecutive tasks following each other based on a time table within the overall determined profile duration. 

After creating the profile, select the Open arrow to start planning the training. The timetable you see will depend on the time units set and the duration you entered while creating the profile.


Select the + symbol under each day's number to select the training that will be set for this day.


Add Course

By selecting Add Course, two options are displayed for you: to Assign the course or Invite users to Enroll.


Selecting Assign allows you to set when in the timeline the learner has to complete the course.  Select the course below.


Save after selecting the course. A new line will be created under the Days/Weeks plan with the new course and its duration. 

Selecting Invite to Enroll allows you to select when on the timeline the learner will be invited to enroll in the course. Select the course below.


Save after selecting the course. A new line will be created under the Days/Weeks plan with the new course, appearing under the day/week that the invitation will be sent.

In either case, modify the course by selecting the edit icon.


Add Curriculum

The process is the same for Curricula.


Note: "Invite to enroll" activities will not be included in the total stats calculation in the Onboarding Dashboard or in My Dashboard (Onboarding tab). Moreover, for the Invite to Enroll activities stats will not be displayed per activity.

Add Message

Selecting the Add Message option allows you to set a message that will be delivered via email to the employee at that point in the timeline. You can set the day (or week) that the message will be sent, the body of the message, and who will be the sender of the email.

You can also define a different message that will be sent to the users that have a specific preferred languageOnce a language is selected from the drop-down, only users having the selected language as preferred will receive the specific announcement. If “All languages” is selected the announcement will be sent to all users, including the users that have no preferred language.


The Sender drop-down list is populated with the role of the Admin as well as the roles of the Managers that:
- are directly associated with the users included in the onboarding profile and 
- have the Send Announcement permission enabled

Once the Training plan for the onboarding profile has been designed, the admin can activate the profile. All current employees that need to be assigned to the training will be included in the profile.

You can also combine the time-based flow with the activity-based flow. Learn more on the activity-based flow here: Setting Up an Activity-Based Onboarding Plan

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Setting up your Onboarding plan

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