Navigating Your Academy's Content Library

Your Academy Library, also known as Resources (see: Terminology and Vocabulary Changes) can be a powerful tool for you to receive and share knowledge with other members of your Academy! To find your library just click on Library, on the upper navigation panel. 

When accessing your Library, you may be redirected to a Starting Page or to the All Content page, depending on how your Academy is set up.

Under the All Content page, you will be able to see all the content items that are available to you.

Under the Starting page, you will be able to see blocks with your most recent, favorite, and most popular content. Read more: Utilizing Your Content Library's Starting Page

Content Available in the Library

In general, the content that is available for you on this page is primarily defined by the Sections and Categories that you have access to. Your library has a non-editable category called Shared Content and may have multiple other editable categories. You can see these categories on the right side of your screen.


Based on your role and permissions, and how each category is set up, you may be able to see, add and manage the content items in different categories.  

The content library categories can only be defined by an Admin or a Content Manager. Read more: Managing my Library Categories  

Finding Content in the Library

To find the content item you want, you can filter the content items by selecting a specific section or category from the left side of the page.

Moreover, you can use the search bar and/or filters to further define your selection and find the content items you want. The search engines in this section will not only search through the titles and metadata of relevant Contents but also the text and information within them. This means when you search for a term, results will show any Content that includes that word or phrase. Depending on the frequency with which a word or a phrase will be found in a Content, this will highly appear.


Read more on how to use the filter options: Filtering Content in My Library

Editing Library Content

Based on your role and permissions, and how each category is set up, you may be able to edit the content items in different categories.


Read more on the options you may have when editing content: Library Content Editing Options   

Adding Content to the Library

Based on your role and permissions, and how each category is set up, you may be able to add content items to different categories. If you have permission to add content, you will be able to see the Add URL and Upload File options on the top of the page. 


Read more on the process of adding content here: Adding Library Content

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