Hidden Notifications

There are some 'hidden notifications' that are sent by default and cannot be edited through the Notifications panel.

Below you will find a table with the most common hidden notifications:

Module Notification


Scheduled Notification to login before auto-deactivation Users who will be deactivated To inform users to log in before their account is deactivated due to inactivity
Courses / Curricula Student's enrollment (Courses/Curricula) Academy Admin To inform the Admin about the enrollment of the training they scheduled
Reporting 'Your report is ready' User who populated the report To inform the user that the requested report is ready for download
Reporting 'You have been assigned to receive a report' User who is assigned to receive a report To inform the user that they have been assigned to receive a scheduled report
 Library User has requested to upload content into Academy library Academy Admins and Content Managers To inform that a user has uploaded content into the Academy library and requests approval

'Your content has been approved' or

'Your content has not been approved'

User who uploaded the item To inform the user of the approval status
Academy 'Your Import Report is ready' Academy Admin To inform that the import file (of the organization's structure) has been completed
Academy Link(s) do not work in the email Academy Admins To inform that links in the email must be updated in order to redirect to the correct page
Academy 'Important Notification from {Academy}' User losing permissions/ Academy Admin To inform the user that because of changes on their permissions, ownership of some Courses/Curricula/Groups/etc have temporarily been transferred to the Academy Admin.
Personal  '{User} sent you a message on {Academy}' User receiving the message To inform the user that they have received a personal message
Personal '{User} commented on your post on Schoox' User who made the post To inform the user that someone commented on their post
Personal '{User} commented on a post you are involved in' User who is involved in a post To inform the user that someone else has also interacted with this post.

'{User} has started a new discussion' or {User} has replied to your comment' or

'New comment on the {Board} discussion board'

Selected Recipient / Course Instructor / Course Creator / Training Manager enrolled in the course To inform the user about a course's discussion board(s)
Personal '{User} confirm your {Academy} account' Selected Recipient To inform the user on how to confirm their email


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