Editing an Existing Above Unit/Unit Automated Association Rule

Ιn Schoox, you can set rules for Above Units/Units to be automatically assigned to users.

The procedure of creating Rules is described in the following article:

How to associate an Above Unit/ Unit to multiple Users?

These rules can be found in the Associate Units with Users under the Administration Panel / Members.


But how can we edit an existing Automated Association Rule for an Above Unit/Unit?

Just find the automated rule in question, select the wrench icon, click on the Rule and implement all the changes you wish.



Please note that when you save the new changes by setting the new Rule, the old Association Rule is erased, and depending on the changes you have applied, the Above Unit/Unit that got associated through an older version of the rule, may be affected. More specifically,

  • Above Units/Units that got associated through an older version of the rule but still match the criteria of the current rule, will continue to be considered as part of the rule, thus honoring the setting “Dissociate when criteria are not met anymore”.
  • If “Dissociate when criteria are not met anymore” in the old version of the rule was checked: The above Units/Units that got associated through an older version of the rule but don’t match the criteria of the current rule will be instantly dissociated.

Below you'll find some more examples of changes that may affect your Above Units/Units!


Rule Name

Rule Criteria



Rule v1

- Dissociate checked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It isn’t going to be dissociated when it won’t meet the criteria (based on the new version of the rule).

Rule v2

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A


Rule v1

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It is going to be dissociated when it won’t meet the criteria anymore.

Rule v2

- Dissociate checked

- AU A


Rule v1

- Dissociate checked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It is going to be dissociated upon editing the rule to v2.

Rule v2

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU B


Rule v1

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A

Unit in Above Unit A was associated via Rule v1. It isn’t going to be dissociated upon editing the rule to v2 but he will stop being considered as part of the rule.

Rule v2

- Dissociate checked

- AU B




Rule v1

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A, B, C


Unit in Above Unit B was associated via Rule v1. It is going to be dissociated when it won’t meet the criteria anymore (Rule v#3).


Rule v2

- Dissociate unchecked

- AU A, B

Rule v3

- Dissociate checked

- AU A

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