How a User's Preferred Language affects their View of the Course Catalogue

Scenario A

The optionEnglish Courses will be visible to all users without the need to set English as their preferred or spoken language” is set to YES (This is under Admin Panel / Academy Settings / Advanced Settings /  Courses / H Other Settings)


Let's take the following example:

Course A Language is set to French.

Course B Language is set to English.


User A has their Preferred Language set to French.

User B has their Preferred Language set to English.


User A will be able to find in the Course Catalogue both Course A and Course B.

User B will be able to find in the Course Catalogue only Course B.


Scenario B


The optionEnglish Courses will be visible to all users without the need to set English as their preferred or spoken language” is set to No (This is under Admin Panel / Academy Settings / Advanced Settings /  Courses / H Other Settings)



Let's take the following example:

Course A Language is set to French.

Course B Language is set to English.


User A has their Preferred Language set to French.

User B has their Preferred Language set to English.


User A will be able to find in the Course Catalogue only course A.

User B will be able to find in the Course Catalogue only Course B.


Notes for both Scenario A and Scenario B

Note 1: If a course (that doesn't match the Current Preferred Language of a User) is assigned to the user. The user will be able to access this course under Me / My Training Although this course won't match their Current Preferred Language.

e.g. If Course A is assigned to User B, the user will be able to access this course.


Note 2: Let's take an example from past assignments:

10/01/2022 A User had their Preferred Language set as French.

11/01/2022 The User was assigned to a French course.

12/01/2022 The User Changes their Preferred Language to Italian.

On 12/01/2022 The user will still be able to access the French Course.


You can also check:

How do I change my preferred language?

How to bulk update users' preferred language?

What's the difference between UI and the Preferred Language?


Scenario C


Let's take the following example:

Course A Language is set to French.

Course B Language is set to English.

Both Courses A & B are added to a Curriculum


User A has their Preferred Language set to French.

User B has their Preferred Language set to English.


Case 1: In the Curriculum, for every course, the , the "Required for all languages" is not checked:


User A will be assigned only to Course A.

User B will be assigned only to Course B.


Case 2: In the Curriculum, for every course, the "Required for all languages" is checked:



User A will be assigned both Course A and Course B.

User B will be assigned both Course A and Course B.


Please also check: How can I create a Curriculum?




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