Based on your permissions, you may be able to evaluate Course-Connected and/or Standalone On the Job Trainings for your employees! To do so, simply navigate to the On the job training section of your Employees Dashboard by selecting Admin, Manage, or Reporting tab (depending on your role) from the upper navigation bar, and then Reporting. On the left side menu, select Employees Dashboard.
From the top panel click on On the Job Training and find the desired On the Job Training. Feel free to use the filtering options to limit your results. You can filter by course status, category, or select to see your academy's Standalone On the Job Trainings. Once you find the On the Job Training in question, click on its title to select it!
Evaluation Process
To start the evaluation, find the user that you want to assess and click on the Details option on the right.
For each task, you, as a Trainer, have the option to check off completed tasks under Signed off by trainer. The date will automatically be recorded.
Moreover, you have the option to:
- assess each task
- write your comment, if you want to
- view the trainee's answer, when it comes to open questions
- download trainee's home assignment or upload a Revised Home Assignment, when it comes to Home assignment - tasks.
- Upload an Evaluation document per task, under the Documents tab.
- Upload a supporting document per task (Read more here: How Can I Upload Instructions For An On The Job Training Task?)
- Reset a user's signature. To do so just select View Signature on the relevant task and then click on Reset Signature.
To only Save the changes you made, select the Save option from the dropdown. If you want to both Save the changes and Sign-off the task for the user select the Save and Sign-Off option from the dropdown. Don't forget to click the button to save your changes!
If the score is the type of assessment for your Academy's On the Job Trainings then once you assess the user, their Average Score will be displayed on the Employees Dashboard.
Tip! Why can I not sign off the task for my employee?
If another manager has already added an assessment for this user/task, then only this manager, an Admin, and a Training Manager (if they are allowed to, from the Advanced Settings) can sign off the task. Hovering over the Sign-Off box will provide you with the name of the manager that has added an assessment for the user. Moreover, if you click on View Assessment you can see how the manager assessed the user and if they have added any comments.
If you want another user to complete the assessment, then the first user must perform the following necessary actions
- Remove the score and uncheck the sign-off checkbox
- Remove performance levels and uncheck the sign-off checkbox
- Uncheck the task
Learn how to change the On the Job Training Assessment Type here: Learning Management Academy Settings
Note: In the context of the On the Job Training (OJT) feature, Unit Managers and Assistant Unit Managers are considered to have the same level of access. If a Unit Manager needs the ability to sign off on an Assistant Unit Manager, it is recommended to enable the 'All Jobs' sub-permission under the 'Assess On-the-Job Training Performance' permission, rather than the 'Lower Management Levels' sub-permission.
Mass Mark Users as completed
Trainers (with the Bulk OJT Performance Assessment permission enabled) Training Managers and Admins have also the option to sign off all users' tasks at once. To do so, select the desired On the Job Training from the top panel, select the Above Unit/ Unit/ Job that you want to evaluate, and click on the mark all as completed button (checkmark). Moreover, you have the option to filter your records based on the status of the tasks:
- Signed off by Trainer
- Signed off by Trainee
- Trainer's pending tasks
- Trainee's pending tasks
Please note: The trainer can sign off all of the tasks even if the trainee has not completed them yet.
Please also note: The Trainees' Open Tasks column in the OJT dashboard shows the number of tasks that the trainee did (NOT) sign, as a piece of extra information for the managers (trainers). This means that it does not necessarily define the completion of the relevant OJT tasks (if for example, the OJT setting "Sign-off required for OJT completion" is "Trainer only").
Other Reporting Options
Please note that from the On the Job Training reporting Dashboard, you have three more reporting options when it comes to a specific OJT.
1) The first option is to bulk download all Home Assignments. To do so, just click on the folder icon, as shown below, and then select Download all Home Assignments. You will receive an email that contains a URL from where you can download the home assignments (for the users that match the criteria, based on the filters that you have selected).
2) The second option is to report and export all OJT Signatures. To do so, just click on the folder icon, as shown below, and then select Download all Signatures. You will receive a PDF that contains the following information, for the users that have signed their OJT Signature Task:
Course Title
On the Job Training Title
Employee Name
Employee External ID (if exists)
Task Title
3) The third option is to download a PDF that contains all the Tasks of this OJT, which you can use to evaluate users offline. The PDF contains fields where you can fill in all the needed information to assess a user offline. You can later then input the data into Schoox for better tracking.
Mass Upload Supporting Document
If it's selected a specific organizational structure, like a Unit or an Above Unit, then it gets available the "Mass Upload Supporting Document for all users" button.
With this button, trainers have the option to massively upload a Supporting Document for the Task of On the Job Training.
Read more: How Can I Create An On The Job Training?