Creating a Course

A Course is a type of training that can be comprised of multiple lectures, events, on-the-job trainings, and/or polls. Based on how you set them up you can have different course functionalities to fit your needs.

Who can Create a Course

Users with Admin rights, Training Managers, and users with the Create Course permission enabled can create Courses in their academy.

Please note that Training Managers should be allowed from the Academy Settings in order to be able to create Courses. Read more on the Learning Management settings: Learning Management Academy Settings


Creating a Course

If you have the ability to create a course, you can hover over Training in your academy navigation bar, click on Courses and then Create Course.


You will then be redirected to the Edit Course page where you can set up your Course's settings

1. There are basic settings you'll need to define for your course such as a Title, a Description and select if the Ownership of the course you are creating will be either you or your Academy. You also have the option to add any system requirements or tags so you may find your course easier.


2. You'll then select the one or more Training Categories this Course will be under. 

3. Select a Level and a Language for your Course. Please note that the default language is English. 

4. You have the option to add an estimated duration for your course that will then inform the users about the estimated time that they will need to complete this course (this will display on the course's 'about' page).

Please note that when an Admin/Manager marks a course (or curriculum) as completed, the courses' completion time will be prefilled/saved with the course estimated duration.


5. You can select if you want this course to award a Certificate. If you select "No" then no certificate will be awarded to the users that complete this course. If you select "Yes" then a certificate will be awarded to the users. 


6. If you selected to award a certificate to the users who complete this course, then you have the option to define the Certificate Expiration Settings to match your needs.


You can read more on Certificate Expiration Settings here: Defining the Certificate Expiration Settings for my Academy Courses

7. You can now select if you want additional optional data (including course hours and instructor's name) to be displayed on course certificate reports:


8. You can now select the Multiple completions are allowed setting. This allows a user who has completed a course to be able to click on the 'retake' button. Once they click on the 'retake' button, the Course progress will be reset to 0% and the completion will be transferred to the "Past Completions" block (as seen on the Employees' Dashboard).

9. You can define if your users will be able to access this Course after they miss their due date, using the Lock course if user misses the due date setting. By enabling this, if a user does not complete the coursework by the due date, the Course will be locked for them and they will not be able to access it until an admin/manager unlocks it for them.

If a Course has been locked for a user, you, as an Admin/ Manager will be able to identify the Course by the "locked" indication next to the Course title, under the Employees dashboard. Please note that the change of this setting doesn't work retroactively.

10. Fill in any Custom Attributes you may have for your Courses and select if they will be displayed on the users' certificates. Only one custom attribute can be added to any certificate.


11. You can elect to have your Course as a compliance Course. Read more: Managing my Academy's Compliance Courses

12. Select if your Course will have a Discussion Board and/or if the users have the option to review and rate your course.



  • Reviews from users will remain after they are deactivated.

13. Select if any of your academy members will need approval in order to self-enroll in this Course by enabling the Self-Enrollment Approval setting and select the organizational criteria these users meet. Read more: Self-Enrollment Approval

14. Identify what should occur with the Course progress if the Course is a part of a Curriculum and a user is obliged to retake this Curriculum. Should the Course progress remain unaffected?


When this setting is enabled, the expected behavior of triggering a course reassignment does not occur. Specifically, the system performs a check, and when this setting is turned on, it returns without making any changes. In order for a reassignment to take place, this setting must be disabled. 

15. You can add Credits to your Course if your Admin has set them up for your Academy by selecting the credit type, add a number of credits the users should receive upon the course completion, and check if these credits should be visible on users' certificates.  


Don't forget to click Save when finished

Adding Content / Lectures

Once you click Save, your Course will be created and you will then be ready to both add content and lectures to it before publishing it to your employees. Read more: Adding lectures to a Course

Publishing your Course

By default, your Course is in private and assign-only mode. To make your Course visible to your employees only or to both your employees and external members, publish it by clicking the "Private" button. 

Please note that in general, the set of Courses that are available to users is primarily defined by the Categories they have access to. So, if a course is public but in a category that your users do not have access to, they wont be able to see it unless they are assigned to it. 


Please note that your Course needs at least one visible lecture to be published.

Read more: Course settings that I can control

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