Promoting / Ordering Curricula In Your Academy

You as an Admin or Training Manager of an Academy, have the ability to set your Curriculum Listings in the order in which you prefer them to appear. You also have the option to select to promote any of your Academy's Curricula! Let's check each option in more detail.

First, you need to head to the Curricula Listing page. To find the Curricula Listing page, head to the Administration Panel, click on Online Training, and then select Curricula Listing. From this page, you can promote and order your Curricula.  

Promoting Curricula

A block, under the name Promoted Curricula, can be added to the academy’s home page for every user. Up to 3 curricula (that have been marked as promoted) can be shown on every user’s home page. In order to add the "Promoted Curricula" block, please check the following how-to article and follow the instructions: How to configure the Home page of my academy?

As soon as the block has been added you can choose which curricula should be listed as promoted curricula. All curricula will be displayed on the Curricula Listing page and you can select the ones you want to be promoted. Just toggle the Promoted option to Yes for the curricula you want to promote. 

Up to 3 curricula can be shown on every user’s Home Page. For a curriculum to populate as a promoted curriculum at a user’s Home Page, the user should not be enrolled in the curriculum.


  • Private Curricula, even if selected as promoted, do not populate in the promoted Curricula block. Curricula need to be public to be promoted in the relevant block.
  • Curricula category visibility rules outweigh the promoted Curricula setup. For example, a Curriculum set as promoted Curriculum, which is part of a category not visible to all employees, won't populate at the promoted Curricula block for an employee who does not have access to that category.
  • Curricula are not shown as promoted to associated instructors.


Ordering Curricula Listing

On this page, you also have the ability to set your Curricula Listings in the order in which you prefer them to appear. There are two options you can use: Priority (All) and Priority (Enrolled). Let's check their difference. 


Priority (All)

The Priority (All) column refers to the order in which all Curricula will appear when you navigate to Training -> Curricula. The greater the number, the higher the curriculum will appear.

If you prefer a curriculum to appear on top of the Curricula listing, add a large number in the box. Any curricula with a smaller number will appear in the order of the numbers you give them. All curricula with no number added (zero) will appear in next, with the most recent populating first.

Priority (Enrolled)

The Priority (Enrolled) column refers to the order in which all enrolled curricula will appear when you navigate to Training -> My Training. The greater the number, the higher the curriculum will appear.

If you prefer a curriculum to appear on top of the enrolled curricula listing, add a large number in the box. Any curricula with a smaller number will appear in the order of the numbers you give them. All curricula with no number added (zero) will appear next, with the most recent populating first.

Mass update curriculum categories

From the same page, you also have the option to mass update your curriculas' categories. Read more on this functionality here: How to mass update course/curriculum/content categories?

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